So you were probably very optimistic about this post. Surely a 31 calorie snack doesn't exist? One that you can make at home? If you want to find out more, read on..
So the snack is popcorn, but you can buy popcorn at the shop and its over 200 calories? Ah well, in shops it is added with loads of oil and salt/sugar. If you make it at home you can control the levels of salt or any other flavorings. However, I personally like it plain.
You will need;
- Popcorn maker, cooking it over the hob can be very dangerous and you will need oil.
- Popcorn Kernels, available from any supermarket.
The popcorn maker I have is "American Original Popcorn Maker" this was £20 from Argos. Yes, it's quite pricey but it will avoid the danger and popcorn is my favorite snack so I use it all the time.
A cup of popcorn kernels makes over two cereal bowls of popcorn and only 31 calories, that's if you add no flavoring.
If you find this too plain I recommend adding some honey to it. This sounds strange but it sticks to the popcorn and gives it a lovely sweet flavor. Also honey has many health benefits and its all natural. If you like the healthy stuff, try Rowses "light and mild honey".
Hope you liked this blog post, leave any recommendations you want and thank you for visiting my blog.